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Privatix Crypto Coin Rank 1371
1,096,900 PRIX

PRIX Coin Values PRIX

Privatix valuesUSD Цена
$ 0.1830

Privatix BTC Цена

Privatix 24ч
$ 4,598

Privatix Рейтинг Рынка
$ 200,698

1 H
1.31 %
24 H
-15.99 %
7 d
-0.66 %
сегодня Privatix цена в долларах США в настоящее время 0.1830 USD, и если он преобразуется в Bitcoin является 0.00001978 BTC. Всего 1,096,900 PRIX в настоящее время распространяются на рынке. Privatix цены в настоящее время испытывают изменение -15.99 %, проверять все криптовалюты. За последние 24 часа 0.000 M US dollars Privatix торгуется на Crypto Exchanges. Получить Privatix's прогресс, добавив его в свой избранное и создание свободного портфолио.
Полное имя
BTC цена
0.00001978 BTC
BTC рынок
22 BTC
BTC 24h Vol
Все добыденные монеты
1,096,900 PRIX
1.31 %
-15.99 %
-0.66 %
PRIX Диаграммы

Privatix Цена Диаграммы

PRIX Диаграммa высокой/низкой цены

Privatix Цена Диаграммa высокой/низкой цены

Historical Data

Privatix Crypto Technology


Privatix Crypto Market


Privatix Crypto ICO Description

Privatix is a decentralized autonomous P2P VPN network on blockchain with its own crypto-economy which will serve the exchange marketplace. Based on blockchain, the network will contain exit nodes around the world and will provide a way for developers to build products, like the consumer VPN industry, cyber protection, CDN, business intelligence and even software and mobile apps monetization.


Privatix Crypto Technology

Sorry, detailed technology about Privatix is not currently available


Privatix Crypto Features

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ICO Status

Privatix ICO Details

Статус ICO
Доставка токенов
Поднятый Капитал (BTC)
6,465 ETH
Поднятый Капитал (USD)
Стартовая цена (USD)
Аудиторская компания безопасности
Легальная форма ICO
Юрисдикция ICO
Юридические консультанты
Белый лист

Privatix is a decentralized autonomous P2P VPN network on blockchain with its own crypto-economy which will serve the exchange marketplace. Based on blockchain, the network will contain exit nodes around the world and will provide a way for developers to build products, like the consumer VPN industry, cyber protection, CDN, business intelligence and even software and mobile apps monetization.


  • Dima Rusakov: CEO and Co-Founder.   
  • Nikita Kuznetsov: CTO and Co-Founder.  
  • Rubtsov Dmitriy: COO and Co-Founder.. 
  • Vitaly Hnidenko: Head of Development.
  • Viacheslav Yakushev: Head of Infrastructure. 
  • Viktor Lahman: Full Stack Developer.  
  • Timur Appaev: Senior full-stack / JS developer.  
  • Alexander Shishkin: PPC and media buying.
  • Mykola Lysiy: Head of QA. 
  • Yaroslav Krimets: Traffic acquisition specialist. 
  • Andrew Beilyk: Senior android developer. 

Privatix will divide its crowdsale into 2 diferente sales: the pre-ICO and the main ICO.

Privatix will be holding its pre-ICO on September 14, 2017. The pre-ICO token supply represents 3% of the total token supply, so there will be a total of 300,000 tokens available, for 0.01 ETH each at the offering. The pre-ICO the funding cap is 1,875 ETH and is expected to end on September 28, 2017 or when the funding cap is reached. A 60% bonus (1 PRIXY = 1.6 PRIXY) will be offered during the pre-ICO.

The main ICO will start on October 19, 2017. The ICO token supply represents 80% of the total token supply, so there will be a total of 8,000,000 tokens available, for 0.01 ETH each at the offering. The ICO funding target is 3,350 ETH, the funding cap is 57,142 ETH and is expected to end on November 16, 2017 or when the funding cap is reached.

Token Reserve Split (20%):

  • 07% Founders (locked for 12 months);
  • 07% Team and future employees;
  • 03% Presale (pre-ICO);
  • 03% Bounty, advisors and cost covering;

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