Changpeng Zhao, the founder of prominent crypto exchange Binance, has said that Binance is apolitical, in reference to the Ukraine crisis. In a tweet made minutes before the time of writing this article, CZ said that multiple Binance teams had been working on the ground. He also said that money wasn’t an issue, instead, food, fuel, and supplies were major areas of concern. Like the rest of the world, the Binance CEO has also been keeping a close watch on the events that have been unfolding in Ukraine. In a tweet shared yesterday, Changpeng Zhao said that they had contacted the rest of the Binance team members in Ukraine. Ukraine Crisis Leads to the Liquidation of Crypto Worth $197 Million The spillover from the Ukraine crisis has become even more evident in the crypto industry. According to the latest reports, almost $197 million worth of cryptocurrencies has been liquidated in the last 24 hours. Ever since Russia’s belligerent stance on Ukraine, the crypto market has gone into a tailspin, which led to Bitcoin collapsing to nearly $33,000 in the last week of January- its lowest since it hit an all-time high in November last year. The panic withdrawal has been further bolstered by the entry of Russian troops into Ukraine, which led to major price drops for almost every cryptocurrency. Bitcoin dropped to $36,370 on Tuesday after reaching a high of $44,125 a week earlier, while other prominent digital coins including Ethereum and...