SIGEN P2P uses the “peer to peer” (P2P) protocol, which is used by many global companies, such as eBay, Uber, AirBnb and others. This is a transparent system in which there are no intermediaries and all transactions take place between the two parties directly. On the SIGEN platform you can create white and black lists of counterparties. The list of favorites will allow you not to lose the counterparties with whom you liked to deal, and you can quickly find their current offers to buy and sell.ellipseThe blacklist ensures that you do not accidentally make a deal with the user who showed himself not to be the best at the time of the transaction: neither you nor the counterparty from your blacklist can see each other’s offers in the list of trade offers.ellipseYou can also initiate a trade with any user if automatic counterparty selection is not an option for you. Find a counterparty by using search criteria or select a counterparty from your “Favorites” list. Facebook | YouTube.
For more detailed information regarding fees, please visit the following link:
17 Union Street, Suite 1, Dundee, DD1 4BG, Scotland, UK (Business legal name — Lergen Style LLP)
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